Wednesday, 24 August 2011


I have been messing about on Picnik, which is now my new obsession -
  • It's free, 
  • You don't have to download ANYTHING, and...
  • You can alter your photos, play with them, add fun stickers and shapes, allll kinds of stuff! It's so much fun! 
Here's >> my first photo attempt! - not the most prettiest pic ever, but I think good for a first try! Of course, it's still sideways. In Picnik it was the right way round, so maybe Blogger just doesn't like me. I'll (hopefully) post again with better attempts, but I wanted to show this to you first!
 Ladies and gentlemen, If you'd just like to squint and crank your neck to the side, you will see my efforts! :P That tiny writing right there is ze blog name. I've seen tonnes of photos on blogs with a kind of "watermark" on them, saying the blog owner's name, the name of the blog, etc. I always thought you needed a super-fancy-schmancy photo-editing program to do it, or that it was really hard, but actually, it's not! It's so simple!
Just click "Add Text", type in your blog address, choose the font, and the colour and the size, and position it where you want it. BOOM! Your own customized watermark!
At the top is another pic I altered. My "workspace" has actually changed a LOT since I took this photo, but there it is! I rounded the corners, "matted" it, and added text and an arrow! It's so easy!
I also think it would be a great idea to take a picture of, say your kid,  and add text to it to use as a party invitation! Try it out here!  (And NO, this post was NOT sponsored by Picnik, this is just what I think about their awesome website! ;)
I wasn't lying yesterday when I said I was making word art after reading Centsational Girl's tutorial! Here << is my first shot. What do you think?! I loved the quote, so I typed it up, played around with some of the awesome fonts they have, et Voila! This version is just black and white, but I will definitely be exploring different colours soon! (And if you like it, feel free to right-click on it and open it in a new tab, nice and big, ready to print off! I'd be flattered!)  S xx

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Making DIY Word Art!

Sorry for the lack of posts of late, I should be back with a Cardmaking on the Cheap post in the next few days, but today, I'm trying this. Making my own word art! I've done very basic stuff in Microsoft Word (don't judge!) but was thinkinhg of doing something a bit more "advanced" with Picasa or Piknik, and today, via Pinterest (Of course!!!)  I found a tutorial to do just that! I've pinned so many awesome quotes on Pinterest, the difficult part will be picking which one to do! Hmm, maybe I'll have to do a few!

AND I might try out some Lego jewellery! Hey, my brothers have wayyy to much, anyway! ;) I'm thinking rings, too! What will YOU be doing this Tuesday?! S xx

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Pretty Pinterest!

If you haven't hear of Pinterest yet, WHAT THE HECKITY HOOLAH ARE YOU DOING?! (According to Spellcheck, "Heckity" and "Hoolah" are not real words, but I don't care.)
*cue explanation* Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, organize their favorite recipes, and keep DIY and craft projects together!
Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests. To get started,you have to request an invite. Mine came a couple of days later. If you don't like waiting, (Who does?!) leave your e-mail below and I'll send one your way! If you already have an account, feel free to leave your username below and I'll follow you! My boards are here.

Anyway, on with the post! I find so many great things on Pinterest, my boards are over-flowing, and I never get around to looking at them! So, I'm going to make an effort to have a post (hopefully once a week) where I share some of the awesome things I find on Pinterest. This may help me to actually make some of the DIY projects, visit some of the websites, print some of the printables, etc., or it may just become another form of procrastination. ;) Let's go with the first. On with the show!!! (Pretty Pinterest isn't a very good name, I know. I'm not good at naming things, OK? I fear the day I have to name a child and end up with a little boy called Fido. If you can think of something better, let me know!)

For my first round-up we have a completely random collection of things, 'cos that's just how I role.
  • Up first, How to win at Rock Paper Scissors EVERY TIME. This needs no explanation. RPS is often used to settle arguments.Therefore this helps you win arguments. Therefore this is awesome.(Yes I did just explain it, SSSHHHH!)
  • This is such a cool idea! Run crayons through a glue gun onto canvas to make awesome DIY art. I'm prettty sure it would WRECK the glue gun though, so I wouldn't do it with mine! Maybe if I had a really cheap gun? There's no tutorial for this, only the picture, but it seems easy enough. There is a tut using a hairdryer, though, which wouldn't wreck your gun. Find it here.
  • Next up, Make a heart shape egg without a mould or anything! This is SO cute I can't even stand it. And I don't even like eggs. Picture directions here.
  • I found Brassy Apple's tutorials via Pinterest. (There are loads, check them out!) One of my favourites has got to be this DIY Angry Birds game!!! My youngest brother is obsessed with the viral app, so this would be a must for him! It's a real life version! :D
  • OK, the next one I didn't originally find on Pinterest. Here's the story...  I had seen it while blog-hopping, and LOVED it, but then lost the link (Smart, right?!) A couple of days later I was merrily pinning away when I - Guess What?! - REFOUND it! Aaah, what a lovely tale! It would bring a tear to your eye. Oh, "it", by the way, is a Sheet Music/ Book Page Feathers tutorial! Great for gift-wrapping, home decor, cards, anything!
  • You've probably noticed from the less-than-wonderful photos here on my blog, that I am NOT a natural-born photographer. However, I am hoping to change my ways and properly learn how to use the old camera of mine! I've - yep! You guessed it! - started a pinboard to help me. So far there's not much on it, but I'm hoping to find good tutorials, tips, and inspiring photographs, that will take me (hopefully) a step further than pointing, shooting and hoping for all my life that whatever I'm taking a photo of is in flippin' focus. 
I've found a number of 30-day photo challenges, where you follow the list to take picture of something every day for a month. I started today, and spend a rather unsuccessful 45 minutes trying to take a photo of myself that wasn't....
a) out of focus
b) of my leg/arm/knee 
c) way too bright or..
d) way too dark.
Oh well, here's hoping I improve over the month. You can check out my photography board here, but for now, here's >> a cleverly-taken photo.  Can you guess how it's done? The couple are simply at the bottom of a staicase, lying on the ground! Smart, eh? This was taken as an engaegment photo, but I think it would just be fun to do any day!

  • One last thing for my your Thursday enjoyment...  ;) I just love this. (LOooong break coming up! Watch Out!) ;) I don't know why.  Maybe because it's funny, or because it really does inspire me. Maybe because the person who wrote this likes to makes lists, and lots of them, like me!! But I think mostly because, bar one or two things, it sounds exactly like I wrote it! It's just so.... ME!! :) And that's your lot folks. Have a Thursday that is entirely YOU! S xx

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Creativity Journal/DIY Smash Book!

So a while back, in my Inspired Ideas post, I mentioned starting a "Creativity Journal" using some of the cute projects from the magazines. And I figured the best way to get the ball rolling was to make a Pinterest board dedicated to it, of course. Really, it is THE best way to keep ideas, projects, etc., together. At first I wasn't really sure what route to go with. I didn't really want one of those "art journals" that pros have, with amazing watercolours and the like, because I'm just not that talented! I did know that I wanted to include the Inspired ideas projects, and then I came across this. (via this great Counterfeit Kit Page - They cover everything, I've just found a few extra DIYs!)

It's called a SMASH book. And I want one. Basically it's like a scrapbook, but for the lazy busy, ;) but still creative people who don't have time to create amazing scrapbook pages, but still like to gather memorabilia, photos, notes, etc. Sound like you? You can just SMASH in whatever you feel like, little doodles and notes, cards and pictures, thoughts... little things that make you smile. SMASH books are so cool that they completely sold out in like 5 seconds. (Well, maybe not, but you know what I mean!)

But wait! All is not lost! there are literally MILLIONS of DIY versions out there, all made basically in the same way. Get some nice sheets of patterned paper, and two heavy card stock pieces for the covers, and bind it all together! Cheaper than the real thing, and completely personalise - able (!?!) , as you can stick in your favourite patterned papers!

Of course, the real beauty of SMASH books is what's inside them. Yeah, you can buy alll sorts of SMASH  accessories that are really awesome, but why not make some yourself?!
Instead of buying their paper pockets, you could  fold some yourself, using a printable template. Oh look, I found one! ;) Instead of using their journalling tabs and stickers, why not print off FREE! :) pretty ones here? There's soooo many! Big ones, small ones, blue ones, pink ones, super-cute tabbed ones! 
There's a little kit you can buy that has tissue paper and paperclips, for you to make little flags.Come on, you're not gonna let them get away with that, are you!? SO easy to DIY! (I actually think they're prettier with fabric scraps!) And why stop there?! Get creative and make these bow paperclips if you want a pretty, girly journal!

 I've decided to combine both the SMASH book idea and the Inspired Ideas projects into my journal. It's tabbed, so one section will be for randomly "Smashing" stuff in, another section will be for the Inspired Ideas projects, and another will be for writing down notes, projects and ideas. You could do it this way too! If you can't find a tabbed journal, MAKE ONE! :)

Think about adding "texture" to your journal. Don't just use paper all the time! Add some mini felt bunting across the top of a page (too cute for words!) or some glittery tape to sparkle things up! Have fun with it!

These freee printable tabs look just like the real thing! Add in some lists like this, some of the great journalling techniques here (if you're going down more of an "artsy" route) and some cute Inspired Ideas projects, and soon you'll have a journal full of creative inspiration!
*This post was not endorsed or promoted by ANY company!* These are just my own thoughts! :) Enjoy your Sunday! S xx

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

DIY Scratch Offs!

Wow! Two posts in one day! It's a record! It's cause for celebration! (It also means I probably won't post tomorrow! Haha!) Anyway, I found this fab idea, and I just couldn't wait to share it! It is..... (Drum roll Please!)
DIY Scratch Offs!
You know those scratch off lottery tickets? Wouldn't it be cool if you could make them yourself?! Well now you you can, thanks to Martha Stewart (of course!) Art Mind, and Oh the Lovely Things!

I have to admit, I had briefly seen DIY Scratch offs on Pinterest and had thought "Oh you probably need some type of special paint or something, and it's probably tonnes of work and what would I use it for anyway, etc, etc." But now I have seen the error of my ways and realised just how easy and fun and cool it is! (I haven't actually tried it yet, but I'm definitely going to!)

All of the above tutorials use the same method -  2 parts Silver/Metallic Paint & 1 part Washing Up Liquid, painted over whatever you want to find when you scratch it off! The "Oh The Lovely Things" post is the one that actually brought me to my senses, and also has a cute free printable, so you should check that one out, The Art Mind one is the one that everyone on Pinterest went crazy for, and also has a cute idea involving cards, which I will  probably steal, so you should check that one out too. And, of course, there's a Martha version. In fact, she probably started the whole thing, what with her being The Queen of the World Crafts. She uses it for "Save the Dates" for a wedding, but, since I'm thirteen, I'm pretty sure THAT's not going to be happening any time soon. Her tutorial is detailed though, and there are some great tips and help for getting the paint to come off more easily in the comments, make sure you check that out!

I think I'm going to make the "Oh The Lovely Things" ones, then adapt for cards a la Art Mind! Do you think it would work with other colours of paint?  Hmmmm.... I may investigate that! Have fun! S xx

DIY Wreathes!

So, a trend that has become suuuper big in the crafting blogosphere is... DIY Wreathes! They. Are. Everywhere. I'm actually a bit late on this one, they've been big a while now, but better late than never, am I right?! There are SOO many versions out there, lots are holiday-themed, but i kinda like the ones you can use at any time better.
So, here we go....
  • Beautiful Braided Wreath from Homework. This is probably the first wreath I ever saw, it's a different take on the classic yarn wreath (click the link for TONNES of versions!) that took the world by storm! What I really love about this wreath is that you don't have to buy a wreath from to make it! With all the other ones, you will, but with Carolyn's version, the yarn braid acts as a wreath, so you just need a ring of card to support it at the back! This makes this wreath super cheap, or FREE if you already have a ball of wool/yarn. Yay!
  • Next up, MADE's Acorn wreath! (Lovvve that blog BTW, check it out!) This wreath has some serious staying power! Just look at all the versions Dana  made! They're not different wreathes, she simply spray-painted it different colours depending on the season! Smart or what? I can't choose which I like best. Maybe the white, since you could use it for all different seasons. Oooohhhh, I love the raspberry pink!

  •  Another pink wreath! But this one is so pretty I couldn't not feature it! She made this for a (very lucky!) little girl's room and it is just gorgeous. I want one for MY room! Check out the tutorial here! *sigh*
  • I really love this >> sweet little wreath (A project from Inspired Ideas!) It's a great way to use up those leftover fabric scraps and cheer up a room! It's so sunshine-y and fun! It also seems quite easy! the hardest part would be trying to decide where to hang it! Wouldn't it look great in a sewing or craft room?! Or even a little girl's bedroom! Go here for the how-to!
  •  There's loads of felt rosette wreathes out there, but this tutorial is really good! Very clear, and lots of pictures! Perfect for someone like me! AND she said she wants to use it year-round as part of her décor, so she used white felt. It's really modern, but fluffy and cute at the same time, which is a good combination in my book. Check it out here!

Now that I've featured some of the more ordinary wreathes,  Here's a bunch that are made from slightly odder materials! You can probably find most of these around your house, but they probably aren't in your craft room!

  • First up, we have a wreath made from... toilet paper rolls! I have to admit, I love these guys! I'm a firm believer that you can do almost anything with them! Along with paint chips, they are one of my favourite materials, because they're both FREE! Anyway, back to the wreath. As I hoard like there's no tomorrow collect toilet paper tubes, yes, collect, you heard me right, I have all the materials needed. If you're a normal person who doesn't like to create what is essentially a massive fire hazard in your bedroom, then you'll have to start stocking up. Or you could root through your re-cycling and pick some out of there. (Just don't let your neighbours see you) Once you've amassed quite a collection, fire up your glue gun and go here for the how-to!
  • If you're planning a kid's birthday party, this is the one for you! It's a wreath made from balloons! (Deflated ones, that is) I think this tutorial uses 144 ballooons, so grab that bag you have lying around and get ready to spend hours attaching ballons to a wrath form. Yes, you'll probably never want to see a balloon ever again by the time you're finished, but your kids will love you for it! Sounds fun to me! <Tutorial>
  • This >> wreath may be made from unorthodox materials, (namely paper cups, the kind you use for parties!) but the results are so modern, sophisticated and stylish that you'd never know! Doesn't it look great?!  And it sounds so easy to make too! Grab a big bag of paper cups and your glue gun and get ready to make! :) Check out the quick how-to here, and while you're there, have a look at the other cool projects she made from the cups, all designed for a fab DIY wedding!
  • And last but DEFINITELY not least, this super-cool cocktail umbrella wreath! I just love this sooo much! It may not be to everyone's tastes,  ;) but it's loud, bright, fun and I just like it! It would be great for a cocktail party or similar get-together or simply because we could all use a little colourful, cocktail umbrella madness on our door, am I right?!
So, there you go. There's a different wreath for everyone! Go now and make one, be it bright, old-fashioned, girly, eco-freindly, texture-y, modern or playful! S xx

    Friday, 5 August 2011

    DIY Projects!

    Hello there!
    I realised my blog has been a bit card-heavy these past few days, so I decided to shake it up a bit and post a couple of DIY and craft ideas!

    1) First up, this amazing website/book called P.S. I Made This. (Great name, right?!) I don't have the book, but found the DIY gallery via Pinterest and It. Is. Awesome!  Just check out some of the projects: Home Decor, Fashion, Jewellery....!            
    Don't these >> look kinda Dr.Seuss-y and cartoon-y?! they're supposed to be for the 4th of July, but they're so fun I think they'd work at anytime, anywhere! And loooook at that embellished caplet! Absolutely drop-dead gorgeous and NO-SEW! For something slightly more casual,  :) how about << this Pom-Pom purse?! Fun, Pretty and Oh-so-easy! Simply Hot Glue a bunch of Pompoms to your bag and BOOM! There it is! I think I may have to try this one! 
    There's tonnes more over there, so GO CHECK IT OUT! :)

    2) Next up, we have this. Scrapbook paper as Patchwork wallpaper?! Genius! Isn't it so lovely!? I adore this, as it has such a pretty, shabby-chic, Romantic French Cottage feel, but you could easily adapt this idea to use much brighter striped or patterned papers. or how about a cute animal pack for a kid's bedroom?! Oh how adorable that would be!                                                                       

    3) And now, Pillows. Ah pillows, the meaning of life. What you mean, "you don't think so?!" You will do after seeing these bad boys! ;)
    • Now, I'm all for colour, but this >> beautiful, neutral-coloured pillow from "Ruffles and Stuff" stopped me in my tracks! I just think it's so Pretty! Sigh with happiness, and then getcha self over here licketysplit to get the how-to!
    • Next, bold colours reign supreme in this C.C.C. <Colourfully Cute Creation/Cushion!  ;) > I can't find a tutorial for this one, just the picture. But isn't that enough to make you break out your felt and just wing (pun not intended!) it anyway, in the hope of making something at least a little bit like this?! *note* I'm pretty sure I have OCD, as I'd have to make sure all the little birdies were facing the same way on my version, or I wouldn't be able to sleep properly. Yes, I'm weird, I know.
    •  Another bright-coloured pillow here, but it's all one colour. What colour? Orange, of course! I have had a new-found love of orange ever since I started reading How About Orange, Jessica Jone's awesome blog dedicated to said colour. Anyway, here's the pillow. Cool, right? The tutorial is here.  
    *Cue Ad Voice*
    For more pillow ideas (Hand-picked by moi) go here. (My Pillows Pinterest board) While you're there, you can check out my other boards too! There's Printables, Handmade Holidays and Gifts, DIY Wall art, Weathes, and more! Fun for all the Family! Only €0 and 0cents! what a steal! ;)
    Have a great weekend! S xx