Sunday, 27 November 2011

Christmas E-zine Round-up!


So I'm SUPER happy lately.Why? I won this giveaway, that's why! Sparkle Mod-Podge, paints and brushes! Woooh! Now I just have to decide what to make!

This, perhaps? Very festive! 

Speaking of festive, there's a lot of Holiday e-zines out now that are really good! Emily Henderson's is, of course, fabulous, full of gift ideas and great diys! You can check it out here.

Don't be fooled by the child-like felt snowmen on the cover of Tickle the Imagination - this is a stylish, and beautifully well-put-together magazine, full of gorgeous crafts for your home and others!


Another one worth a browse is Splendidly Homemade. There's some good gift ideas here. I especially love the Yo-yo embellished gloves and socks! Very cute!

Creature Comforts is one of my favourite blogs, so it's no surprise that Ez comes up trumps with her wonderful publications of Gifted magazine. Last year's is full of free printables and diys. This years is simply full of wonderful presents to get for others. Put aside plenty of time for both - you'll be enthralled!

All of the above mags are FREE! Yay! But if you're willing to spend a little bit on an online publication, Amy Power's  Inspired Ideas is for you! All the issues are just so wonderful to look at and sigh with crafty happiness!

So there you go. My round-up of must-see Christmas e-zines. have I left something crucial out? Please don't hesitate to tell me! What is your favourite magazine to read during the festive season? Leave a comment - Don't be shy!
S xx



Thursday, 3 November 2011

Pretty Pinterest!

So I haven't posted in aaages, but lets not talk about that and instead, let's admire the new shiny Blogger look! What do ya think?! Pretty fancy, no?
So I've been kinda addicted to Pinterest of late, (no change there!) and have found some super pretty things over there! So here we go, my latest round-up of Pretty Pinterest!

1) I orginally found a picture of this a while ago, but I happened upon the actual link via Pinterest. It is going on my Christmas list NOW! It is Deborah Lippmann Glitter Nail Color! (A.K.A. PARTY ON YOUR NAILS!) It looks so fun and glittery - I want it sooo bad! :)  

2) Next, I found this gorgeous online magazine called "Etzcetra" The first issue is so cute, filled with lots of crafty little things to make and do. Also, as it's the first "pilot" issue, it's FREE! Yay! Who doesn't love free cuteness? Crazy people, that's who! Check it out here!

3) Do you like penguins? Do you like paperclips? (Clearly those are rhetorical questions, I mean seriously, Who doesn't?!) Well, now you can combine your two great loves with these! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there are now paperclips that are shaped like penguins! WOOH! And if you're too cheap to fork out $7.99 for a box of paperclips, you can try and diy some. This tutorial shows how. Just substitute mustaches for penguins. (That has got to be the weirdest sentence I have ever written)

4) Next, I found these! Sick of the paparazzi following you around and taking photos of you in embarrassing situations? (Hey, we've all been there.) Then you need these! (This post is sounding more and more like an overly cheesy ad as it goes on. I apologise.) Anyway, these are "censored" shades and look so cool! Is it weird that I really want a pair?!

5) And finally, I found this supermegafoxyawesomehot (A Very Potter Musical inside joke. If you're a hp fan and haven't seen it, getcha self over there FAST!) blog called Colour me Katie. Seriously, put aside some time to go through the archives of her posts. She lives up to her name and her apartment is filled with the cutest paper cut-outs in the colours of the rainbow - Mucho inspiring! She also posts about Improv Everywhere, a "New York City-based prank collective that causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places." Like I said, really inspiring and funny! You can't help but smile at Katie's wonderful posts abut her cat, creatively fixing problems, things that make her happy, and crazy costumes!  That's all for now! Byee! S xx