Thursday 18 August 2011

Pretty Pinterest!

If you haven't hear of Pinterest yet, WHAT THE HECKITY HOOLAH ARE YOU DOING?! (According to Spellcheck, "Heckity" and "Hoolah" are not real words, but I don't care.)
*cue explanation* Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, organize their favorite recipes, and keep DIY and craft projects together!
Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests. To get started,you have to request an invite. Mine came a couple of days later. If you don't like waiting, (Who does?!) leave your e-mail below and I'll send one your way! If you already have an account, feel free to leave your username below and I'll follow you! My boards are here.

Anyway, on with the post! I find so many great things on Pinterest, my boards are over-flowing, and I never get around to looking at them! So, I'm going to make an effort to have a post (hopefully once a week) where I share some of the awesome things I find on Pinterest. This may help me to actually make some of the DIY projects, visit some of the websites, print some of the printables, etc., or it may just become another form of procrastination. ;) Let's go with the first. On with the show!!! (Pretty Pinterest isn't a very good name, I know. I'm not good at naming things, OK? I fear the day I have to name a child and end up with a little boy called Fido. If you can think of something better, let me know!)

For my first round-up we have a completely random collection of things, 'cos that's just how I role.
  • Up first, How to win at Rock Paper Scissors EVERY TIME. This needs no explanation. RPS is often used to settle arguments.Therefore this helps you win arguments. Therefore this is awesome.(Yes I did just explain it, SSSHHHH!)
  • This is such a cool idea! Run crayons through a glue gun onto canvas to make awesome DIY art. I'm prettty sure it would WRECK the glue gun though, so I wouldn't do it with mine! Maybe if I had a really cheap gun? There's no tutorial for this, only the picture, but it seems easy enough. There is a tut using a hairdryer, though, which wouldn't wreck your gun. Find it here.
  • Next up, Make a heart shape egg without a mould or anything! This is SO cute I can't even stand it. And I don't even like eggs. Picture directions here.
  • I found Brassy Apple's tutorials via Pinterest. (There are loads, check them out!) One of my favourites has got to be this DIY Angry Birds game!!! My youngest brother is obsessed with the viral app, so this would be a must for him! It's a real life version! :D
  • OK, the next one I didn't originally find on Pinterest. Here's the story...  I had seen it while blog-hopping, and LOVED it, but then lost the link (Smart, right?!) A couple of days later I was merrily pinning away when I - Guess What?! - REFOUND it! Aaah, what a lovely tale! It would bring a tear to your eye. Oh, "it", by the way, is a Sheet Music/ Book Page Feathers tutorial! Great for gift-wrapping, home decor, cards, anything!
  • You've probably noticed from the less-than-wonderful photos here on my blog, that I am NOT a natural-born photographer. However, I am hoping to change my ways and properly learn how to use the old camera of mine! I've - yep! You guessed it! - started a pinboard to help me. So far there's not much on it, but I'm hoping to find good tutorials, tips, and inspiring photographs, that will take me (hopefully) a step further than pointing, shooting and hoping for all my life that whatever I'm taking a photo of is in flippin' focus. 
I've found a number of 30-day photo challenges, where you follow the list to take picture of something every day for a month. I started today, and spend a rather unsuccessful 45 minutes trying to take a photo of myself that wasn't....
a) out of focus
b) of my leg/arm/knee 
c) way too bright or..
d) way too dark.
Oh well, here's hoping I improve over the month. You can check out my photography board here, but for now, here's >> a cleverly-taken photo.  Can you guess how it's done? The couple are simply at the bottom of a staicase, lying on the ground! Smart, eh? This was taken as an engaegment photo, but I think it would just be fun to do any day!

  • One last thing for my your Thursday enjoyment...  ;) I just love this. (LOooong break coming up! Watch Out!) ;) I don't know why.  Maybe because it's funny, or because it really does inspire me. Maybe because the person who wrote this likes to makes lists, and lots of them, like me!! But I think mostly because, bar one or two things, it sounds exactly like I wrote it! It's just so.... ME!! :) And that's your lot folks. Have a Thursday that is entirely YOU! S xx


  1. What a fun to-do list. I did think it was yours while I was reading it LOL. Whoever wrote it...I think that should sum it up for most people. Thank you for visiting me at Can't wait to see your next post!
    Ginny : ) ( sorry for using the emoticon :P )

  2. Thank you both so much! Ginny - Blogger was completely messing up on me, but I think I've managed to start following your lovely blog! S xx
