- It's free,
- You don't have to download ANYTHING, and...
- You can alter your photos, play with them, add fun stickers and shapes, allll kinds of stuff! It's so much fun!

Ladies and gentlemen, If you'd just like to squint and crank your neck to the side, you will see my efforts! :P That tiny writing right there is ze blog name. I've seen tonnes of photos on blogs with a kind of "watermark" on them, saying the blog owner's name, the name of the blog, etc. I always thought you needed a super-fancy-schmancy photo-editing program to do it, or that it was really hard, but actually, it's not! It's so simple!
Just click "Add Text", type in your blog address, choose the font, and the colour and the size, and position it where you want it. BOOM! Your own customized watermark!
At the top is another pic I altered. My "workspace" has actually changed a LOT since I took this photo, but there it is! I rounded the corners, "matted" it, and added text and an arrow! It's so easy!
I also think it would be a great idea to take a picture of, say your kid, and add text to it to use as a party invitation! Try it out here! (And NO, this post was NOT sponsored by Picnik, this is just what I think about their awesome website! ;)
I wasn't lying yesterday when I said I was making word art after reading Centsational Girl's tutorial! Here << is my first shot. What do you think?! I loved the quote, so I typed it up, played around with some of the awesome fonts they have, et Voila! This version is just black and white, but I will definitely be exploring different colours soon! (And if you like it, feel free to right-click on it and open it in a new tab, nice and big, ready to print off! I'd be flattered!) S xx