Sunday, 29 May 2011

Cool DIY Home Projects!

Hey people! So today I have some uber-cool home projects to share with you, all from Curbly. I love the DIY section, but there are 10 other catogeries to explore, including Videos, Holidays, and Foodie Fridays. (Oh my gosh don't I sound like an ad?!) But seriously, it's a fantastic website and I highly recommend that you check it out!

 Project 1) Braill-like "dot" Headboard
Seriously, this is amazing. You can spell out any message you want, and no-one will be able to read it! And best of all, you will NEVER guess what it's made from. I would tell you, but that would ruin the surprise! ;) So go on, get over there, you know you want to!!!

Project 2) Anthropologie-Inspired Blooms
These are so cute! Again, you'll never guess what they're made of! It'll blow your mind! (I've kind of hyped it up a bit, haven't I?!) I'll just say that thy're made of a common household item you wouldn't expect!

Project 3)  Cool Wall Art!
Yup, I'm continuing with the whole  "guess what they're made from thing"!  If you've got sad, empty walls staring at you, and absolutely no money to decorate them with, this is for you! Check it out! (This one might be a little easier to guess if you look closely)

Project 4) DIY Mod Storage Pods!
And finally, one last project! You gotta admit, these are pretty awesome! They're so modern and space-agey (is that a word?!) and I can just imagine them spray-painted in bold colours as well!
I am SO making these for my bedroom, because apart from looking cool, they're so handy for holding those keys, phone, etc. that you have to grab in the morning!

And that, boys and girls, is all. Go now and discover what these amazing projects are made from before you die from curiousity! ;) If you've got awesome projects you'd like to share, or comments or questions or compliments! ;)  leave a comment or send me an email! S xx

Friday, 27 May 2011

Blogs I Love!

 Hey Guys! Sorry about the delay between posts, but I'm 13, I have to go to school, it's the law, and I've been really busy lately! So anyway, I've finally gotten around to doing a post, and I thought I'd share with you some of  my all-time favourite blogs! These are blogs that inspired me to start my own, influenced my writing/blogging style and that I just love! (Bear in mind, that if I told you every single one of my favourite blogs, it would take quite some time! This is only a VERY small collection!)

 © How About Orange
1)  How About Orange  This is Jessica Jones's blog. She's a graphic and textile designer, and her blog is AWESOME!!! She posts amazing tutorials and DIY projects, both her own and from other crafty blogs, and apart from anything else, COMPLETLY changed my minnd about the colour orange! Beleive me, I used to HATE it! But now, Jessica's totally opened up my mind! I even bought myself a bright orange bracelet yesterday! I HIGHLY reccomend her blog! :)

© Creature Comforts
2) Creature Comforts   This is Ez's blog and she says "is all about  celebrating the tiny details that make life so amazing and looking to find beauty in the unexpected." If that wasn't enough to get you over there, then let me tell you that Creature Comforts is a blog full of beautiful, flawless inspiration for art, fashion, photography and craft. It's a gorgeous website you can spend hours trawling through. Check out the oh-so-cute printables too! *sigh* Craft heaven!

3) Eat Drink Chic This is probably the first blog I discovered, and still one of my favourites! Amy features gorgeous clothes, gorgeous home décor, gorgeous weddings and gorgeous printables! (Notice a theme running through it?!) It is definitely worth a visit, if only to trawl through her archives and sigh at all the wonderful things you don't have enough money to buy. (It's not just me, right?!) Anyway, I definitely recommend clicking the "diy and freebies" button, which will bring you to all of things Amy has created. Man, that girl is talented!  

I'll (hopefully) have more to share with you soon. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for blog posts, I'd be delighted to hear from you! Just leave a comment below or send me an email! :)  Sxx

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Hello Blogworld!

Well... um..  Hi! I guess I better introduce myself. My name's Síona (pronounced SHE-NA, not shona, shauna or shiana!) I'm 13, and I love to craft! I make greetings cards, bags, gifts, art.. whatever I feel in the mood for! I also love interior design and photography. And the name? I do most of my projects locked away in my bedroom like some type of hermit! ;) But don't worry, I'm friendly! So drop in, say hello, and kick back as I share my crafty adventures with you!  S xx