Project 1) Braill-like "dot" Headboard
Seriously, this is amazing. You can spell out any message you want, and no-one will be able to read it! And best of all, you will NEVER guess what it's made from. I would tell you, but that would ruin the surprise! ;) So go on, get over there, you know you want to!!!
These are so cute! Again, you'll never guess what they're made of! It'll blow your mind! (I've kind of hyped it up a bit, haven't I?!) I'll just say that thy're made of a common household item you wouldn't expect!
Project 3) Cool Wall Art!
Project 4) DIY Mod Storage Pods!
And finally, one last project! You gotta admit, these are pretty awesome! They're so modern and space-agey (is that a word?!) and I can just imagine them spray-painted in bold colours as well!
I am SO making these for my bedroom, because apart from looking cool, they're so handy for holding those keys, phone, etc. that you have to grab in the morning!
And that, boys and girls, is all. Go now and discover what these amazing projects are made from before you die from curiousity! ;) If you've got awesome projects you'd like to share, or comments or questions or compliments! ;) leave a comment or send me an email! S xx